Traditional tantra massages

Classical tantra massage

The basic ver­sion of Tantra mas­sage in­cludes every­thing from a Sen­su­ous rit­ual of hon­or­ing the body, ex­tended with In­ti­mate mas­sage of Yoni / Lingam.

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Tantra massage Deluxe

Lux­u­ri­ous Tantra mas­sage which will let you ex­pe­ri­ence the best of Tantra mas­sage and make you feel the bliss of time ded­i­cated only to You. It con­sists of Clas­si­cal tantra mas­sage in­clud­ing mas­sage of Yoni / Lingam...

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Sensuous ritual of honoring the body

Sen­sual and re­lax­ing body mas­sage, suit­able as a gen­tle entry into the world of Tantra mas­sage, or as a gift when you are un­sure of re­cip­i­ents re­ac­tion. It in­volves the whole body oil mas­sage...

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Four and more hand massage

Ex­pe­ri­ence per­fect har­mony of Tantra mas­sage, while two or three masseurs give all their at­ten­tion to your body. You can choose ei­ther fe­male or com­bine fe­male and male masseurs. Lose your­self in tide-wave of won­der­ful touches all...

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Classical tantra massage for couples

Tantra mas­sage for cou­ples is a won­der­ful in­ti­mate ex­pe­ri­ence that will bring joy and re­cov­ery on many lev­els of your re­la­tion­ship. It opens com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels and con­tributes to the deep­en­ing trust.

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Luxury tantra massage for couples

Lux­ury tantra mas­sage, dur­ing which you ex­pe­ri­ence the best of our masseuses and masseurs skills and enjoy the most time just for your­self so that the ex­pe­ri­ence and re­lax­ation will be max­i­mally pro­found.

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Special massage for women

Luxurious massage Pretty Woman

A sen­sual, lux­u­ri­ous Tantra mas­sage, which is es­pe­cially de­signed for women. This mas­sage in­cludes a set of rit­u­als, cel­e­brat­ing god­dess in each Woman, to sat­isfy her need of ten­der­ness, smooth­ness...

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Tantra massage The Birth of Venus

Water is a nat­ural part of our body - it calms, soothes and deep­ens the feel­ing of trust and safety. Am­bi­ent sea waves sounds, re­lax­ing bath with Dead Sea salts, rose oil and rose petals...

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Mystical tantra massage

Priestesses of Tantric temple

Try Tantra mas­sage in a dif­fer­ent am­bi­ence: Choose your rit­ual with one of our tantric priest­esses.

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Tantric-Shamanic massage

The ritual aroma of palo santo along with rhythm of shamanic drumming will bring a stream of life energy into your body. Choose the element in which you want to experience it. The flow of water. The heat of fire. Airy softness. The power of the earth.

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Tantra Massage in Darkness

Mystical Tantra massage that will help you unveil the mystery of Tantra and experience total submission under the veil of darkness. Using Tantra breathing techniques we will make your energy flow freely and with experienced touches...

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Ritual of Tantric Initiation

Spir­i­tual and mys­ti­cal in­tro­duc­tion into the world of Tantra. Enjoy ded­i­cated care, awaken your senses and ex­pe­ri­ence deep re­lax­ation and de­vo­tion.

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Tantric Massage "Dark Touch"

A brand new experience combining the worlds of tantric massage and kink into a unique experience showing new depths of experience, sensuality and submission.

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Additional services

Prostate massage

This unique heal­ing mas­sage will help you to dis­cover new lev­els of in­ti­macy and en­ergy re­fill through the first Chakra. Prostate mas­sage can be or­dered to ex­tend the Clas­sic Tantra mas­sage, and is au­to­mat­i­caly in­cluded in Deluxe mas­sage...

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New dimensions

This heal­ing mas­sage gen­tly re­laxes pelvic area and brings a deep and sat­is­fy­ing feel­ing through stim­u­la­tion of the first Chakra. In some cases, it may help to treat prob­lems with get­ting preg­nant, be­cause it per­fuses the pelvic area.

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Energy massage

Tantra massage „Iniciace Shakti“

Tantra mas­sage which will gen­tly and sen­si­tively guide you through your first tantric ex­pe­ri­ence. Learn how to breathe and how to work with your en­ergy ac­cord­ing to Tantra. You will learn how you can per­fectly relax dur­ing the mas­sage...

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Tantra massage „Iniciace Shivi"

Tantra mas­sage which will gen­tly and sen­si­tively guide you through your first tantric ex­pe­ri­ence. Learn how to breathe and how to work with your en­ergy ac­cord­ing to Tantra. You will learn how you can per­fectly relax dur­ing the mas­sage...

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„Initiation of Shiva and Shakti“ for couples

Tantra mas­sage which will gen­tly and sen­si­tively guide you through your first tantric ex­pe­ri­ence. Learn how to breathe and how to work with your en­ergy ac­cord­ing to Tantra. You will learn how you can per­fectly relax dur­ing the mas­sage...

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Luxury massages and Spa treatments

Hawaiian massage Lomi Lomi

Tra­di­tional mas­sage from Hawaii, using smooth rhyth­mic move­ments of hands, fore­arms and en­tire weight of your masseuse or masseur, bring­ing deep phys­i­cal and men­tal re­lax­ation. After this mas­sage, you will leave our Cen­tre re­freshed...

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Hot lava stones massage

Hot lava stones mas­sage com­bines smooth rhyth­mic move­ments of Hawai­ian mas­sage with ben­e­fi­cial ef­fects of pre-heated lava stones to relax tense and aching mus­cles. Warms up en­tire body and recharge your en­ergy.

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Deeply relaxing massage "Treasure of the Orient"

This mas­sage, also called 'The Trea­sure of the Ori­ent,' draws on tra­di­tional In­dian well­ness treat­ments and work with body en­ergy cen­ters, where the stress and ten­sion ac­cu­mu­la­tees duirng the day...

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Royal Bali massage

Beau­ti­fy­ing relax mas­sage of In­done­sian princesses in­cludes re­lax­ing all body mas­sage with ex­otic oil and scent of pas­sion flower, peel­ing and flower bath with Dead Sea salt.

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Relaxation aroma massage

Har­monic con­nec­tion of a mas­sage with se­lected es­sen­tial oils and calm­ing acu­pres­sure. Relax aroma mas­sage re­moves tired­ness, calms body and mind and in­duces tran­quil­lity. Also helps with ex­haus­tion and stress.

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Therapeutic Rehabilitation Massage

This special combination of massage techniques aimed primarily at the back, buttocks, lower back, shoulders, head and back of the neck perfectly removes pain, muscle stiffness, physical tension and stress.

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Indian head massage

In­dian head mas­sage comes from Ayurveda heal­ing arts and works with most ex­hausted en­ergy cen­tres in the body. It in­cludes head, neck and shoul­der mas­sage. On re­quest it can also add re­flex­ol­ogy foot mas­sage.

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Reflexology foot massage

Re­lax­ing acu­pres­sure foot mas­sage orig­i­nates in tra­di­tional Chi­nese med­i­cine, re­lieves from stress, and in­duces tran­quil­lity and deep re­lax­ation. Also helps with headaches and pos­i­tively in­flu­ences in­ter­nal organ func­tions.

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Aromatherapy baths

Romantic rose bath

Rose is con­sid­ered to be the queen of flow­ers, it opens the Heart chakra and al­lows emo­tions to be de­fined and flow freely. Rose brings feel­ings of har­mony and joy, cleans, nour­ishes and smoothens the skin. 

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Cleopatra's luxury bath

Lux­ury bath for women, con­sist­ing of milk, honey, cream and rare ori­en­tal oils of the high­est qual­ity. This royal bath will leave your skin soft and sup­ple and fill you with a feel­ing of sen­su­al­ity and fem­i­nine beauty.

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Harmonizing lavender bath

With its scent, laven­der bath will shif you to sunny Provence, lets you rest, relax and enjoy the beauty. Laven­der soothens and cares, opens and cleanses the Chakra en­ergy cen­ters.

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Sensual bath ylang-ylang

Ylang-ylang comes from Co­moros Is­lands and is char­ac­ter­ized by sweet ex­otic flo­ral aroma that acts as an aphro­disiac. Re­lieves ten­sion and anx­i­ety and cre­ates a pleas­ant, re­laxed at­mos­phere.

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Calming lemon balm bath

Lemon balm is well known for its slight cit­rus aroma and sooth­ing ef­fects on strongly stressed mind. This bath is suit­able dur­ing in­ten­sive psy­chic ten­sion, anx­i­ety, in­som­nia or fear.

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Sparkling orange bath

The fresh scent of ripe or­anges will bring you to a sunny trop­i­cal par­adise, where you will eas­ily recharge your en­ergy and vi­tal­ity and re­turn with a smile on your face. This bath helps against bad mood, de­pres­sion and sad­ness.

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Caring camomile bath

Chamomile bath is like a gen­tle ca­ress of lov­ing per­son, where you can rest and recharge. It has a sooth­ing, nur­tur­ing and heal­ing ef­fect, helps to elim­i­nate fa­tigue, stress, sad­ness and de­pres­sion.

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Enhancing eucalypt bath

Eu­ca­lyp­tus is known for its ben­e­fi­cial ef­fects against mi­graine or breath­ing dif­fi­cul­ties, more­overy it strongly en­cour­ages and en­er­gizes. This bath is per­fect when you need to rise up your en­ergy and re­gain en­thu­si­asm!

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Energizing rosemary bath

Rose­mary used to be ded­i­cated to beau­ti­ful god­dess Aphrodite, not only for its strong aro­matic scent, but also for its sig­nifi­camtly stim­u­lat­ing ef­fects. Rose­mary bath re­laxes, warms and gives en­ergy and zest for life.

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Warming ginger bath

Gin­ger bath pleas­antly re­laxes and warms up all body, sharp­ens senses and has major aphro­disi­a­cal ef­fects. It is a great prepa­ra­tion prior to re­ceiv­ing tantra mas­sage mainly in win­ter.

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